Brachymetatarsia Treatment
As part of the community in the Lakewood area of Dallas, Texas, Lakewood Foot and Ankle Specialists excel in providing expert and compassionate podiatric care. We understand how conditions like brachymetatarsia can affect your mobility, comfort, and quality of life. Our team, led by the dedicated and highly skilled podiatrist Dr. Patrick Burge, is committed to restoring your foot health using the most advanced and personalized treatments.
Understanding Brachymetatarsia
Brachymetatarsia is a condition where one of the metatarsal bones in the foot is significantly shorter than the others. This discrepancy can lead to pain, difficulty walking, and cosmetic concerns. Dr. Burge and our team of specialists thoroughly evaluate your condition to determine the most effective treatment approach.
Dr. Patrick Burge: Leading the Way in Podiatric Care
Dr. Burge brings a wealth of knowledge and a personalized approach to patient care. An alum of Southern Methodist University and Temple University, College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, he completed his residency at John Peter Smith Hospital, gaining extensive experience in foot and ankle surgery. His deep-seated belief in customized, one-on-one care forms the foundation of our practice.
Our Protocol for Brachymetatarsia Treatment
Treatment for brachymetatarsia at Lakewood Foot and Ankle Specialists follows a comprehensive and patient-centric approach:
- Assessment and Diagnosis: We thoroughly evaluate your foot, using imaging studies if necessary, to accurately diagnose brachymetatarsia and its severity.
- Non-Surgical Treatments: For minor cases, we might recommend non-surgical treatments such as wearing special shoes or inserts to help redistribute weight and relieve discomfort.
- Surgical Treatment: More severe cases often require surgery to lengthen the affected metatarsal. Dr. Burge is skilled in the latest surgical techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Home Care Tips for Brachymetatarsia
While professional medical intervention is often needed for brachymetatarsia, there are steps you can take at home to manage your symptoms and prevent further complications:
- Wear Supportive Footwear: Opt for shoes with wide toe boxes that provide ample space and comfort.
- Use Custom Orthotics: Special shoe inserts can help redistribute pressure on the foot, easing discomfort.
- Engage in Foot Care Practices: Keep your feet clean, moisturize regularly, and maintain proper toenail hygiene.
At Lakewood Foot and Ankle Specialists, we strive to offer the highest standard of foot and ankle care. Entrust your foot health to the best in the area, and experience the difference that personalized, cutting-edge care can make. With Dr. Burge and our skilled team by your side, you can step confidently towards improved foot health.